Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Second Lecture

The second lecture I attended was about the Cognative Learning theory which includes learning through experience and involvement. The speaker, Lia Banks is studying Elementary Education and has recently been involved with teaching the Special Education students. The cognative theory has been used for some time in classrooms, however not with special education students. This form of teaching has greatly helped many.
The cognative theory requires four steps:

1. Attention to be focused on the person giving the demonstrations.
2. Retention to be maintained through repetition or reward.
3. Motor Representation, is using motor skills in someway to become more applied and involved.
4. Motivate is again another step to involve and excite.

I learned that we always need to be ready to answer questions so we can be strong for ourselves

Read The Independent Magazine!

Works Cited

Commander, MC Bat. "Antimatter." Antimatter. By The Aquabats. Thom Wilson, 1999.

Holland, Jeffrey R. "Lds Mormon Videos: Are We Christians?" YouTube. 23 Apr. 2009.

Laini. "Dress Code." YouTube. 23 Apr. 2009.

Extra Extra 1

The first extra credit seminar I attended lasted 30 Minutes. I attended a lecture about homosexuality. Initially I feared that I may have been directed to the wrong classroom. The lecture was focused on Alfred Prufrock, a poet that is thought to be bisexual. The lecture began by describing what it means to be feminine and gay. The lecture continued to explain how Prufrock had several of these attributes. The man giving the lecture was also gay(homosexual). Because of the mans background, he had a good understanding about what to look for as he indicated that Prufrock was a flaming homosexual, and there was no "bi-" about Prufrock.
When Prufrock wrote these poems homosexuality was not acceptable. Most of the evidence of Prufrock's homosexuality was hidden in the work he left behind. To support this claim, examples from Prufrock's peotry and music were examined.

I learned important steps for creating convincing research papers.

-Establish background knowledge
-Discuss Evidence
-Explain the Evidence and background knowledge to create a convincing conclusion